Sant Chavara Bhandara

Sant Chavara Bhandara, Narsinghpur/ Guna

In order to mark the year of Mercy we have initiated a new venture at Narsinghpur Zone. It is a feeding programme implemented at District Hospital Narsinghpur with the support of our institutions and members of this Zone. This initiative has two purposes first, to give food for the bystanders of patients every day especially those from remote villages and poor people. Every day 25 packets of food is distributed in the hospital with the help of an animator. The food is prepared at Chavara Vidhyapeeth Kheri. Christ Home Guna with the support of the School and well wishers organising a feeding programme on every Sunday at district hospital. A good number of poor people are benefiting from this programme. In Guna people are volunteering for this programme well in advance. As a result it is successfully running with people’s participation.

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